Saturday, September 27, 2008

selling naked

who's to say, that someone wont pay money to see great photos clothed or naked. perhaps, the value in the photos on the internet, would be the option to look at them full size and regular web size as well as thumbnail size. this would and does make it a more adventurous experience. I think people like to look at details, and this fits the model of reciprocity or an exchange of value. I would make good, large works of art, and offer as much quantity as i can, without skimping on quality at all, ever. how often do you see a full sized image available online? I see them sometimes on Deviantart, not many other places. it would be easy to charge money for a view and download of the larger files, and encourage the printing of them as long as the logo was intact, with website url.

i am all for erotic quality in my future works. its only one layer of interest in art, but an important one, to all of us i think, and at times controversial, but i think it belongs in my work somewhere. I think its rare and precious and a high calling to produce great art that has the erotic quality in it.

I've always been learning, and consider myself a student of art. I want to make art, and i've been trying to nurture my path towards more expressive creations.

I think internet advertising is becoming passe for the true artist. it doenst blend well any more, not for me anyways. there are more organic and respectable, while effective, ways to make your art accessible. One is word of mouth and being social. i believe in business cards, beer, bars, and travel for networking. i believe sometimes in collaborations which stir up colliding audiences.

i believe in multi media art as well. this just opens up a whole rats nest of possibility and people eat this up. its just hard to do and takes discipline and structure.

i'm tired of being in the service industry where i have to depend on models who cancel shoots to pay my rent.

i dream of art, creation, freedom, ability to move about and publish my work, and to get paid for some of it and be appreciated for making things that i am proud of, etc. the whole picture, but mostly i want to make art. i wanna make movies. short ones i suppose. funny mostly. i wanna make comedy. i wanna make all my impusive rants that i have with my friends come to life.

i'm not sure one can truly make a living selling naked pictures.


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