Friday, November 10, 2006

East Village

I was lucky last night and fortunate. Not only did i find that $20 on the ground, i got some money from my mom and dad... thanks guys! and then the hostel was FULL. So i was like hmph. And all the others were full but i finally found one open - and as i went to head to the subway to drag my bags up and down stairs and all over manhattan, i got a call from Jane and she ended up inviting me to crash at her and her roomates place. It was a real nice treat. I made us dinner and coffee... we cleaned a coffee pot out that had been sitting on top of her fridge for who knows how long and it worked. I boiled up some spinach posta and her roomate threw in some vodka sauce and we ate while exchanging blue humor. It was nice. Then i showered and stayed up on the couch editing photos. Then slept around 5 and got up around 9:30. I'm still waking up and its like 12:20 right now.

I'm included some photos from a recent roll of film. Enjoy!

These were taken in NJ in a "secret" location! The film was Fuji 160 low saturation - 35mm. Used my Nikkormat ftn body with a cheap 28mm lens (2.8).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, good blog and goods pics.